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  品    牌:東方
  录入时间:2010/10/25 17:17:04
  访 问 量:1748
  >>  产品描述
用途:廣州市東方電線電纜廠耐寒電纜是專業開發,高品質、安全,該電線應用於特定環境,如冰庫、北方(-40°C—-80°C)塑膠不容易產生龜裂,保持柔軟性能,該電線選用進口銅材優質塑膠,品質安全。 欢迎浏览公司网址http:cabledf.b2b.youboy.comChina plans cold wire Name: China hardy cable Model: BV RV Use:China Eastern WireCable cold cable is professional development high-quality safety the wires used in a specific environment Rubing library the North (-40 ° C - 80 ° C) plastic does not easily lead to crackingmaintain flexibility Performance the choice of imports of copper wire high-quality plastics qualitysafety. Welcome to Web site: http:cabledf.b2b.youboy.com