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公司网址: www.bobitrans.com
公司电话: 0573-83703080
公司传真: 0573-83703086
公司邮箱: info@ch.bobitrans.es
   Founded in 1991 Bobitrans is a company specialized in the developmentmanufacture of transformerscoils for telephony automotion electronics lighting etc.power supplies. Our Quality Control based on AENORISO 900014000 standards toghether with a highly qualified workforcethe use of the most advanced technological developments in production processes are the best proof of our vocation to provide an optimum serviceour future prospects a challenge which we face with optimismthe conviction that we will be able to continue to rely on all of you.You are doubtless our best company.
联系人: 王先生 联系人称谓: 先生
联系电话: 0573-83703080 部门职位: 负责人
电子邮箱: info@ch.bobitrans.es 传真: 0573-83703086
邮政编码: 314019 所在地区: 浙江省
公司地址: 浙江省嘉兴市油车港日商投资区怡纺路137号